Valuable Lessons from Martial Art Expert

Valuable Lessons exists to help you improve your Martial Arts experience, it holds unique answers about Self defense, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Kal… It offers you tips to balance your daily life with martial arts, and much more!

I am involved in training and teaching martial arts for more than two decades.

What to Focus in BJJ Sparring?

What to Focus in BJJ Sparring?

People train BJJ for many different reasons. I know many friends here where they train because they are inspired to become the next BJJ world champion. I also have friends who their goal is to become MMA champion as well as many different goals. I myself train in it...

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Steps in Developing BJJ Game

Steps in Developing BJJ Game

Knowing that I made so many mistakes in learning BJJ in the past have made me realized on what I need to do to help others learn BJJ so that they can develop their game to a good level at the shortest possible time. As an every day guy who trains several times a week,...

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Training Methods that Work

Training Methods that Work

Training Method that Works How to train efficiently has always been my concern for a long time. I always try to find the best way to train efficiently knowing that I only have several hours to train per week.That is why the 80/20 Paretto principle is very important for me to use…

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The Importance of Performance Game

The Importance of Performance Game

I think the recipe for excellence in martial art is to practice correcly, consistently for a long period of time. Because the term is martial art, a lot of people forget that its an art. That means although thinking from self defense concept is important…

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About Me

Yuri Amadin has been involved in training and teaching martial arts for more than two decades. Currently, Yuri is a Brazilian Jiujitsu Black Belt. In addition, he has invested most of his life in acquiring skills and teaching in the areas of kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, Kali and Tae Kwon Do.

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